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International PhD Studentships in Social Sciences at University of East Anglia, 2016

Eligibility: UK/EU/International
Deadline: 12 February 2016
UEA Studentships

Social Sciences Graduate School Research PhD
Studentships are offered to prospective candidates from
the academic year 2016/7.
The Studentships will be available under the Scheme to
applicants who, in their research proposal, can clearly
demonstrate academic excellence in areas relevant to
the strategic interests of the School of International
Development .

The Studentships cover tuition fees (UK/EU rates), a tax-
free maintenance grant (currently £14,057 per year), and
a research training support grant. International students
are welcome to apply; a small number of studentships
will be available to cover full international fees.

Applications for all studentships are invited from
suitably qualified graduates. Candidates should typically
hold, or expect to hold, a first degree with a minimum of
2:1 and a Master’s degree with research methods
training appropriate to the discipline, with a dissertation
mark of at least 65%. Candidates who have studied
outside of the UK should typically hold, or expect to
hold, qualifications at an equivalent level to those
mentioned above. Candidates will be interviewed,
usually via telephone or Skype, as part of the selection
process. EU and International applicants may be required
to provide evidence of competence in the English

To be considered for this award, you should make an
application for admission to a PhD in the normal
manner, but you should indicate the intention to be
considered for an open studentship under the
Postgraduate Studentships Scheme.
                                                   Apply Here


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