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Rooney slaps 6ft7 British wrestler

Manchester united skipper, Wayne
Rooney, in front of his son, Kai,
slapped 6ft7 British WWE super star,
Wade Barrett, on Monday night.

The 30-year-old Manchester united
captain attended the world wrestling
entertainment show with his fellow
former Manchester united team mates
and legends Ryan Giggs and Darren
The British WWE star said: “In this
ring are two men who can be described
as having championship material,”
said Barrett.
“Which is more than can be said for
Wayne Rooney and Manchester
The 6ft7 British WWE star approached
Wayne Rooney and at this point the
Manchester United captain, frowning,
slapped the wrestler, drag the attention
of the crowd.
It all ended peacefully as the wrestler
did not retaliate.
Regardless of the slap, it was reported
that Rooney and his fellow ex-
Manchester U​nited team-mates had a
wonderful night as they all had photos
taken together with their fellow


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