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The chinese long life secret.

Ninety-year-old Mr Chan, known around Macau’s
Coloane Village as “Fat Suk” or “Rich Uncle”, has
practised the same routine every morning for as long as
he can remember. The sprightly and wiry man dons an
oversized white T-shirt, slips on his black leather
shoes and takes a morning stroll along the Coloane
waterfront. It’s one of his favourite routes, though
sometimes he mixes it up with a walk through the parks
or across the black sand of Cheoc Van Beach.
“I spend most of my days outside,” said Chan, who has
eight children and 10 grandchildren. “My wife and I sit
at the pier and admire the beautiful view. [Our] days
pass by in joy and laughter."

Chan attributes his long, happy life to this simple
routine (plus a steady diet of rice and garlic) – and it
seems this nonagenarian is far from an anomaly.
According to the CIA’s 2015 World Fact Book, Macau
citizens enjoy the 4th-longest life expectancy in the
world with an average age of 84.51. Monaco topped the
list at an average of 89.52, while Japan came in 2nd at
84.74 and Singapore came in third at 84.68.
But in a place that’s better known for gambling than
helping you grow into your golden years – what is it
about this special administrative region that promotes a
long and happy life?
Sometimes, money can buy happiness
Interestingly, the casinos that give Macau such a sinful
reputation are also one of the prime drivers of the
territory’s longer life expectancy. Not only is Macau is
the fourth-wealthiest territory in the world, but it also
has the fastest-growing economy, reports the CIA
World Fact Book. From gaming revenues alone, the
territory raked in 351.5b patacas in 2014 and has
consistently maintained a low unemployment rate,
presently at 1.9%. Though currently on a volatile
downturn, gaming has buoyed the economy over the
years, with revenues accounting for 80% of the total
GDP last year and gambling taxes contributing to the
lion’s share of the government’s fiscal revenue. “Every
tourist that visits Macau goes to those casinos. Of
course that’s a good thing,” said Chan. “That’s how the
government can afford to take care of us.”
Casino revenues have been used to provide free
healthcare, a monthly pension and an annual cash
subsidy to all citizens over 65 years old. The elderly
also have access to more than two dozen community
centres located throughout the city where they can
enjoy performances, socialise, have lunch, play games
or join organised field trips.
This government spending aligns almost exactly with
the results of the 2007-2012 Macau Quality of Life
Report. In this series of 12 large-scale public surveys
conducted by a team of researchers at the Macau’s
University of Saint Joseph – more than 90% of
respondents reported they were satisfied or very happy
with life. Contributing factors included clean air,
excellent education, easy access to health care and a
strong economy.
Community matters more than you might think
It’s impossible to measure, but Chinese culture is
another contributing factor to longevity in Macau.
Among these intangible traditions, family and
community relationships are considered the most
important. Multi-generational families live together for
the majority of their lives and rarely do elderly parents
move into nursing homes.
“People in Macau emphasize the harmony of family
relationships,” said Dr Zeng, head of the Nursing and
Health Education Research Centre at Kiang Wu Nursing
College of Macau. “They often have morning tea
together every morning. If they live separately, then it’s
traditional to have dim sum at least once a week.”
While most have family nearby, locals also find comfort
in the community that lives around them. “Our
neighbours are our lifelong friends who we have known
since we were children,” said Mui Je, 66, who has lived
in Coloane since birth. “It’s a very simple life, but I
think happiness is the key to longevity.”
A long life means finding pleasure in the simple things
Fat Suk’s wife, Mrs Chan, is still in her 80s. “We live a
simple life, and I eat simple food, too. Usually blanched
vegetables, some rice, fish and very little meat,” she
said. A typical breakfast is toast and coffee or tea, and
she looks forward to the weekends when her children
take her to dim sum and spend the day together
catching up on family matters. She wears a thin jade
bracelet every day, a gift from her daughter, which she
says brings her a sense of calm.
Mrs Chan spent much of her adult life looking after her
children, and later her 10 grandchildren. Now teenagers
and adults, her grandchildren no longer need as much
attention, so she spends most of her time playing
mahjong by the water with her closest friends who she
has known since childhood. And almost every night,
she and Mr Chan can be seen strolling along the
waterfront or huddled together on a park bench,
admiring the sea view.
“You have to learn to let things go and be optimistic,”
said Mr Chan. “Are you married yet? Find a partner,
fast. When you have a partner, you have someone to
talk to and discuss things with. The other key is hot
showers. If you take cold showers, you’ll get sick.
Simple as that.”
This simple, slower pace of life seems to permeate the
village of Coloane. There’s no need to rush or stay
tethered to technology, and there are certainly no
skyscrapers – at least for now. On the main peninsula,
parks like Luís de Camões Garden come alive in the
morning with dozens of women practicing Tai Chi or
dancing in groups. On the opposite side of the park,
rows of men intently play chess, read the paper or walk
their caged birds.
These may not be scientific indicators, but mix together
simple meals, a sense of community, family values and
loads of mahjong — and you’ll have Macau’s recipe for
the elixir of life.


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